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First Transnational Project Meeting took place in Turin, Italy
On the 17th and 18th of May 2022 the first Transnational Project Meeting planned within the framework of HECSOs took place in Turin, Italy. The meeting was organised by S-nodi, the Italian partner of the project that has its principal core of projects and community engagement initiatives in the Piedmont region.
All 8 partners’ representatives were able to take part in the meeting, which was moderated by UNITO. It was the first time the partners were able to meet in person after the start of the project. Partners discussed and approved management procedures (such as the Communication and Dissemination Strategy, the Quality Assurance Plan), they planned and coordinated next activities related both to the analyses of promising practises on community engagement (towards the development of toolkits) – PR1 – and to the curriculum development – PR2 -. Also, they coordinated their financial and narrative reporting and knowledge management efforts.
It was also a very good opportunity to visit some community engagement initiatives in Turin (the initiative Fa Bene, the social enterprise Decoratori e Imbianchini and the experience of Case del Quartiere), to share ideas and different points of view about community engagement and get to know better each other’s, improving the cohesion of the project team.